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Press Release

Munich, 28 August 2020

Norbert Dohmen is the new Managing Director of Caruso GmbH as of 1 September 2020. Dohmen was most recently CEO of the IRS Group. In his new role, he will focus on the strategic orientation and further development of the data marketplace. The range of vehicle-generated data and services and the market presence in Europe will be further expanded.

Dohmen follows Alexander Haid, who headed CARUSO since its founding in 2017 and will take on new tasks outside the company. “Alexander Haid was a great asset to us. Together with his team, he impressively succeeded in turning the idea for a marketplace for telematics data into a globally leading start-up company in this field,” explains Jürgen Buchert, TecAlliance CEO.

Dohmen brings more than 20 years of experience in the IT and automotive businesses. At TecDoc, he was active in various management positions before he set up the automotive unit for digitization expert and CARUSO shareholder EUCON. “Norbert Dohmen brings with him all the prerequisites to continue the CARUSO success story. With his ability to build comprehensive international industry solutions, he will be extremely valuable in the further growth of the platform,” said Buchert.

With the steadily growing demand for manufacturer-independent OEM telematics data to build new solutions and business models, the company has demonstrated the increasing importance of direct connectivity for the further development of its business model. Six major automobile manufacturers and numerous other players in the mobility sector are already part of the CARUSO ecosystem to offer their data and services via the platform. “In the course of the digital transformation, not only the data itself but also its optimal integration into one’s own business processes is becoming increasingly important. I am very much looking forward to meeting the challenges that lie ahead by working in close cooperation with our customers, partners and dedicated colleagues,” said Dohmen.

About Caruso GmbH

CARUSO is the neutral, open and secure marketplace for data from connected vehicles. Founded by key players from industry and trade, the platform offers data users the opportunity to build their own innovative mobility solutions, expand their portfolio and tap into new customer segments. A multitude of vehicle-generated data from different brands is easily available and harmonised, thus ensuring fair competition. CARUSO customers are players with a legitimate interest in vehicle data, such as parts manufacturers, traders, workshops, insurance companies, fleet and leasing companies, car rental companies, car-sharing providers, cellular operators, vehicle breakdown service companies and vehicle manufacturers. Caruso GmbH has its headquarters in Ismaning near Munich, Germany.


Gwenael de Calan
Head of Sales
Caruso GmbH
M: +49 151 6451 2178
[email protected] 

Norbert Dohmen Managing Director Caruso